Frequently asked questions.

When Do orders Get Shipped out?

I ship all orders every Friday with the exception of holidays when the post office is closed.

I live internationally and want Tattoo rights, Can i get a digital copy instead of shipping?

Absolutely! You can reach out to my email or submission form and just tell me the design you had in mind and i can send you the link to a custom digital download listing. Or if you scroll down on my homepage you will see the digital option!

What Are your Hours of Operation?

My open hours are usually the times i will be able to respond to submissions and emails.My hours are as follows:

Sun: Closed

Mon-Thurs: 7am-8pm

Fri: Closed for packaging orders

Sat: 9am-1pm

How much is a custom Commission?

Customs start at $70 and go up with piece complexity. You can send all information to my Commission form

I submitted a commission request, Now what?

I will Email you to get more info about the design you want and provide you with an estimate after discussing the design a bit